Final individual images will be retouched, cropped down to the shin, and the field will be digitally inserted behind them like the sample images (field for cheerleaders, dark field for football players).

Please select your ONE favorite image of your player/cheerleader and include that file name in the comments on your order form. To find the file name, you can click/tap on the image and the file name should appear below the image.

If you would like to order from a buddy/sibling/family image, please submit a separate order form for those prints/products.

Please place your orders by FRI OCT 18 11:59PM using the online order form at
***If you order after that deadline, you will have to pay for TCP to ship your order.***

Once the main batch of finished orders is returned to the league, the images will be uploaded to this gallery website, where you can purchase prints and buttons (shipping charge).